Thursday, October 27, 2011

There's a sucker born every minute II

Charles Darwin published his immortal book On the Origin of Species in the middle of the 19th century.  Darwin was the first to publicize (but not to theorize) that organisms evolve.  The purpose of this blog is not to be a biology primer, but Darwin's work is (and remains) one of the seminal milestones in the history of science.  Through Darwin's work, modern biology was born and the idea of evolution is now accepted as a scientific fact. Living creatures change, they adapt to their surroundings, and all life on this planet came from more primitive organisms.

     Like all scientific works, however, Darwin's discovery led to massive social upheaval (and still does, unfortunately).  Some people find the idea that the Earth is not 7000 years old to be unacceptable.  Others argue that evolution cannot possibly coexist with certain religious texts.  Even today, in some states, the idea of "intelligent design" (a thinly veiled type of Creationism) is argued to be taught alongside evolution.

     But, for others, the idea of evolution was appealing, but it was appealing for all the wrong reasons.  Europe in the 19th century was building international empires.  Great Britain had annexed India and parts of South Asia; France owned half of Africa; Germany was setting up colonies in what was left of Africa; Holland had in its position the "Dutch East Indies" (modern Indonesia); the Russian Empire was the largest empire in history.

    Many Europeans (but certainly not all) believed it was the "manifest destiny" of Europeans to subjugate other peoples.  European culture and civilization was thought to be the height of humanity.  What if Europeans were not only advanced culturally, but genetically as well?

   To be continued.

Have a great and fraud free day.

------------>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>gene tausk

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