Friday, November 4, 2011

There's a sucker born every minute VII

OK - let's look at one of the two main reasons that the Piltdown Man hoax lasted as long as it did.

    First, as discussed, anthropology was still in its infancy.  One of the basic and accepted ideas of anthropology was that although evolution was accepted (more or less) as the preferred method to explain how humans (and other living creatures) arrived on this planet, there were large gaps in the fossil record.  So, any new discovery was viewed as a potential way to close this gap.  Further, although it was discussed, there was still no acceptable way to explain the differences between apes, monkeys and other primates with humans.  So - the idea of a "missing link" was viewed as a necessary way to explain this discrepancy.

     With Piltdown Man, this missing link was apparently found.  The Man had the jaw structure of an ape, but the brain structure of a man.  This could be the way to explain how one pattern (ape) shifted to another (man) in one fell swoop.

    Keep in mind, one of the hallmarks of any acceptance of fraud is the willingness to believe and the voluntary suspension of disbelief.  If we are willing to believe something, then our critical faculties sometimes take a back seat.  Many people have a built in "skeptical" radar and for something to get past that radar, our notions of disbelief have to be suspended.  Anthropologists and other scientists that were looking for some way to verify their theories on a missing link found what they were looking for in Piltdown Man.

     We will continue this tomorrow.

Have a great and fraud free day

------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>gene tausk

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