Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Great Charles Ponzi XIII

We will be wrapping up our conversations about Charles Ponzi.  Ponzi created the classic, well, Ponzi scheme.

It had all the elements:

1.  The Benefit - the investor is lured by promises of amazing, but not completely unrealistic, returns.  This is the classic "hook."

2.  The setup - a believable explanation as to how money will be made.  In Ponzi's case, it was the postal marker  scheme.  It was believable and acceptable.

3.  Initial Credibility - the person running the scheme has to have the credibility and charisma to pull it off.  Ponzi had these qualities.

4.   Initial investors paid off.  Ponzi's initial investors were paid off, and were, of course, very happy.

5.  Communicated success.  These initial investors told other investors and.......so it goes.

Read through Ponzi's history again in the previous posts.  We can see how these elements emerged and were applied.

As always, have a great and fraud-free day.


-------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>gene tausk

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