Friday, August 12, 2011

Washing away all my problems V

Let's continue with our discussion on how to place the funds from a criminal enterprise.  Remember, this is the first step in a money-laundering operation.

    Another way to get funds into the "system" is to purchase a high-value item, such as an expensive work of art, property, diamond or other precious stone or metal, or something of equal high value.  This item is then sold to a legitimate purchaser, who will then, of course, pay actual value for it.

    This has several advantages.  First, there is no question that a high-value item obviously needs to sell for the same high value.  If a diamond dealer buys a diamond from someone and pays a great deal of money for it, but this is the actual price of the diamond is a legitimate price, then there is no way to argue that the money spent for the diamond is legitimate.  The launderer has therefore achieved his goal - he has laundered his money by buying an expensive object in cash (dirty money) and exchanged it for "clean" money.

    The second advantage is that this is a one-step process, unlike owning a business which will require multiple transactions.

  We will continue with this tommorrow.

As always, have a great and fraud-free day.

------------>>>>>>>>>>>>>>gene tausk

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