Monday, September 26, 2011

James Randi and Fraud Prevention V

OK - we've reviewed the videos and articles of "cold reading."  What is the common element to cold reading?

     As we saw, cold readers basically ask the mark a barrage of questions.  Cold readers take advantage of human psychology in that after being battered with so many questions, the cold reader is bound to score a "hit" and the mark will remember the one hit and forget the multiple misses.  Look at the video again of cold readers - they will ask the barrage of questions, far more than in a normal conversation.

     This is essentially a variant of "twenty questions," a child's game.  The one child will think of something and the other child will have up to twenty questions to guess what is the object.

     As it turns out, the game of twenty questions has a great deal in common with fraud schemes.

As always, have a great and fraud free day.


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