Thursday, September 29, 2011

James Randi and Fraud Prevention VIII

Cold reading example involving financial fraud:

Reader: "So, tell me about your kids' college investments."

Mark: "Well, they're not in college yet."

Reader: "So it is important to you to get your kids college investments in order?"

Mark:  "Yeah, of course.  We want to be able to make sure they get their degrees."

Reader: "So, how much money can we expect to save monthly?"

Mark:  "Well, we put aside $100 per month for each kid."

Reader: "So, you can only put aside $100 per month.  So, we need an investment with a little higher rate of return to make certain the kids can go where they want?"

To be continued.

Have a great and fraud-free day.

------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>gene tausk

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