Saturday, February 15, 2014

Should you go to law school? 11

As I mentioned in an earlier post - being a lawyer means being a fighter.  A lawyer is someone who defends another person (or a corporation or another legal entity, etc.).  A lawyer defends his client.  It does not necessarily have to be in the courtroom, but a lawyer is someone who will stand up for his client against all that seek to do him harm.

     So - the next factor to consider if you can be a lawyer - can you take a hit and get back up, still swinging?

     I don't have to mention this again but I will anyway - the practice of law is nothing, nothing, like what you see on TV.  There is no such thing as a lawyer that will be victorious every single day.  Sometimes, sometimes a lot of the time, you will take a hit.  You will lose a trial that you are sure you should have won.  You will analyze a situation incorrectly for a client, despite your best efforts.  You will turn in a legal brief to a court confident in your arguments only to have a judge look at the brief and call it moronic and stupid (yes, judges do use that kind of language from time to time).  In other words, like everyday life, the practice of law will sometimes hit you like a kick in the gut that leaves you on the ground, breathless and in pain. 

     Can you get back up and swing back?  Or, if you do not have this skill yet (which is fine), do you think you can acquire it? 

     The practice of law is no place for the meek.


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